Integral Cinematic Experiences for the Holiday Season

While this has been a challenging year for many of us, it has also been a banner year for the invasion of integral structures of consciousness in the cinematic arts on both the big and small screen from major integral movies like Arrival, Doctor StrangeVoyage of Time and Star Trek Beyond to HBOs new integrally-informed streaming series Westworld

For those of us yearning for an integrally-informed "holiday spirit" cinematic experience, check out these two integrally-informed holiday offerings from Netflix's streaming service (if you don't have a subscription, you can get a one month free trial)...

Sense8 Christmas Special

For a deep and potentially transformative holiday cinematic experience check out the newly released Christmas Special for Netflix's original series Sense8 from the Wachowski's. The series is an integrally-informed dramatic journey that attempts to capture and help us viscerally experience the enmeshment of all four dimension-perspectives of our individual and collective interior and exterior world, as its characters and we the viewer experience the dissolving of the boundaries between individual subjective reality, collective relational reality, individual objective reality, and collective environmental reality. If you haven't already seen the first season of this beautifully transcendent series we highly recommend watching the whole season before watching the Christmas Special.

12 Dates of Christmas

If you are looking for a sweet and sappy integrally-informed Christmas movie, check out the ABC Family movie 12 Dates of Christmas on Netflix. Using the integrally-informed evolutionary time-loop formula from Groundhog Day with a Christmas spin and a female main character, this cute little movie is filled with holiday spirit and light on the outside and deep evolutionary patterns on the inside.

And for more integrally-informed movies and TV series there is always our Integral Movie and TV List on the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) at:

Integral Cinema Feast at the Box Office

This month, November 2016, I detected at least three movies in theaters that tested positive for integrally-informed elements. During the nine years that I have been testing movies for their structures of consciousness I have not seen this many integrally-informed movies in the theaters at the same time. 

If you are interested in having an integrally-informed cinematic experience...check out one or all of these three movies currently in theaters:


A haunting and transcendent close-encounter movie that takes us on an elegant inner and outer cinematic journey that subtly attempts to integrate and transcend the boundaries of individual and collective interior and exterior existence, and the nature of language, perception and time itself. 

Doctor Strange

A Marvel "superhero movie" that follows the evolution of the main character as a person and as a hero, from an egocentric or self-centered circle of care and concern to a circle of care and concern for the whole Kosmos. It also has some wild, beautiful and fun expressions of the transcendent nature of time and space.

Voyage of Time

A beautiful visceral IMAX cinematic experience into the evolutionary arc of existence and how holding it in our awareness can give us a deeper, richer and more integrated present-moment experience...the experience of the Kosmo-centric witness. 

For more integrally-informed cinematic works check out The Integral Movie and TV List on the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) at:

On the list you will find all the movies and television series that have tested positive for having integrally-informed elements to varying degrees according to testing criteria developed during research on the application of Integral Theory to cinematic media theory and practice.

According to this research, a cinematic work is deemed to be integral if elements of the integral stage of development are represented in the cinematic form, style, structure, content, and/or are embedded in the material as a presence or atmosphere. These representations of the elements of the integral stage of development can include: The exploration and integration of multiple evolving dimensions and perspectives of lesser and greater depth and span; the concretion of abstract and interior dimensions and perspectives, such as time and interiority, in the service of evolutionary growth and development; an evolutionary story, event, and/or character progression that is given greater than or equal emphasis to conflict resolution, with progression developing vertically through at least three stages or levels of development; the evolutionary impulse as a driving force or causality pattern; the valuing of truth that is qualified by evolving perspectival fields; and/or a Kosmo-centric circle of care and concern that suggests an awareness, integration, and embracing of all of existence.

For more on the Integral Cinema Project visit us at:

Latest Updates to the Integral Movie and TV List Now on IMDb

The Integral Movie and TV List has been updated and is available on Internet Movie Database (IMDb) at:

On the list you will find all the movies and television series that have tested positive for having integrally-informed elements to varying degrees according to testing criteria developed during research on the application of Integral Theory to cinematic media theory and practice.

According to this research, a cinematic work is deemed to be integral if elements of the integral stage of development are represented in the cinematic form, style, structure, content, and/or are embedded in the material as a presence or atmosphere. These representations of the elements of the integral stage of development can include: The exploration and integration of multiple evolving dimensions and perspectives of lesser and greater depth and span; the concretion of abstract and interior dimensions and perspectives, such as time and interiority, in the service of evolutionary growth and development; an evolutionary story, event, and/or character progression that is given greater than or equal emphasis to conflict resolution, with progression developing vertically through at least three stages or levels of development; the evolutionary impulse as a driving force or causality pattern; the valuing of truth that is qualified by evolving perspectival fields; and/or a Kosmo-centric circle of care and concern that suggests an awareness, integration, and embracing of all of existence.

Recent updates to the list include the following titles:

Movies New to the List:

The Star Wars Saga 1-9 (1977--): When taken as a whole and in their intended narrative order, the first 6 Star Wars films show a full evolutionary and de-evolutionary arc for the character of Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader, from egocentric to Kosmocentric with dark twisting turns and de-evolutionary undercurrents of the deep shadow creating a complex spiral of evolutionary development for the character and the archetypal forces represented by him and his journey. The evolutionary arc of the Skywalker dynasty continues with a second major tetra-evolutionary cycle (inner and outer selves, cultures and systemic forces) following Luke and Leah Skywalker and their world through their evolutionary arc, starting with "Star Wars IV - A New Hope" (1977) through "Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens" (2015) and beyond…projected to be completed with Star Wars IX. For more on this check out the "Unpacking Star Wars 1-7" podcast at:

The Last Wave (1977): A haunting mystical cinematic journey into the heart of aboriginal dreamtime and its evolutionary impact on a non-aboriginal person and the greater world at the crossroads of a great awakening (Australia).

Run Lola Run (1998): A fun and wild ride using a temporal loop to take us and the main character on an inner and outer evolutionary journey with great heart and a lightness of being that playfully holds a deeper meaning (Germany)

Star Trek 2009, Star Trek into Darkness and Star Trek Beyond (2009-2016): The rebooted Star Trek trilogy is a beautiful cross-temporal inner and outer evolutionary adventure following the developmental arc of both the young Kirk and Spock that creates both a complete evolutionary cycle through the three films and sets up for another cycle in upcoming films.


More movies and TV series are added to the list as more are tested so check back periodically to keep abreast of the research.

For more on the application of Integral Theory to the cinematic arts visit the Integral Cinema Project at:

Integral Cinema Project receives Notable Mention on the TransTech 200 Innovator List

The Integral Cinema Project (ICP) has received Notable Mention in the first-ever TransTech 200 Innovator List, announced at this year’s Singularity University’s Global Summit. This is the first curated list to highlight the key innovators, makers, researchers, influencers, organizations, scientists and entrepreneurs who are expanding the known limits of human thriving in the emerging field of Transformative Technologies.

We are deeply honored to have been recognized for our efforts to apply Integral Theory to the domain of moving image media, from film to VR, AR and other transformative Perception Technologies. We look forward to deepening our contribution to the TransTech movement as we continue to map the transformative capacities of various moving-image-based TransTech mediums and platforms, with the goal to develop content creation technologies to help enable TransTech creators to more precisely use their medium to target a particular transformative effect. These include inducing various states of consciousness, shifting perceptual constructs, assisting in emotional and psychological healing, and catalyzing shifts in stages of individual and collective development.

For more on the TransTech 200 visit their website at:

Information about the Integral Cinema Project:

Integrally Unpacking Star Wars 1-7 (ICP and TEHNC Podcast)

What are the hidden patterns coursing through the "Star Wars" saga? Is J.J. Abrams' "The Force Awakens" just a PC remake of the original 1977 "Star Wars?" What is the best "Star Wars" film, anyway? 

To answer these questions Integral Cinema Project members Mark Allan Kaplan and Jonathan Steigman watched all 7 Star Wars films in their intended order and the experience surprised them both. From the prequel "poorly executed masterpieces" (1-3), to the seminal original Star Wars trilogy (4-6) and the recently-released first episode of the third trilogy, the Star Wars saga has shaped our culture and consciousness for nearly 40 years. Exploring the series through the lenses of Ring Theory and Integral Cinematic Analysis, Jonathan and Mark unpack new insights into George Lucas' monumental achievement.
Watch this joint ICP and TEHNC Podcast, Unpacking Star Wars 1-7 on the Integral Cinema Project YouTube Channel at: 

For a deeper dive into the application of Ring Structure to the "Star Wars" saga, check out Mike Klimo's excellent dissection at:

Information about the Integral Cinema Project:

If you enjoyed this podcast, you may want to check out "Integral Goes to the Movies" Mark's mind-blowing exploration of the way structures of consciousness are embedded in the moving image.

Integral Cinematic Metadesign and "Integral Goes to the Movies" Podcast

Join ICP members Mark Allan Kaplan and Jonathan Steigman in this joint Integral Cinema Project and TEHNC podcast as they discuss the tools and techniques they used to create Integral Goes to the Movies, a 90-minute exploration of the way structures of consciousness are embedded in the moving image. Mark's an expert in creating transformational media and they had quite a lively discussion!

This podcast will make more sense if you first watch Integral Goes to the Movies.

The following are the ICP databases shown in the podcast:

We hope you enjoy the podcast and deeply appreciate your support! To further support the Integral Cinema Project please click here.

Integral Goes to the Movies on YouTube

Now featured on the Integral Cinema Project YouTube channel, Integral Goes to the Movies, a 90-minute presentation from Mark Allan Kaplan, Ph.D., the creator of Integral Cinema Project, in which he illuminates the structures of consciousness embedded both within various films and within the medium itself. This could change the way you look at film...and just about everything else.

Acclaimed filmmaker and Integral Cinema Project founder Mark Allan Kaplan, Ph.D. presents a mind-blowing new way to look at and think about the moving image in all its evolving forms. This March 16, 2016 talk for Bay Area Integral at the Rudramandir Center in Berkeley, CA has been turbocharged with dozens of visual aids and nearly 100 film clips to create a multi-dimensional visceral experience of the evolution of cinematic consciousness.

Video directed & edited by Jonathan Steigman
With Integral Cinematic Meta-Design by Mark Allan Kaplan
Special thanks to Bay Area Integral and the Bay Area Integral team

Announcing the Launch of the Integral Cinema Project YouTube Channel

Announcing the launch of the new Integral Cinema Project YouTube Channel where you can find original productions from the Integral Cinema Project along with educational playlists that help you explore the cinema from an integrally-informed perspective.

The Integral Cinema Podcast Series...

Integral Goes to the Movies: Bay Area Integral hosts an evening with Mark Allan Kaplan

Join us for INTEGRAL GOES TO THE MOVIES, an evening of movie clips, popcorn, and some serious fun with Integral film theorist, filmmaker, and media psychologist Mark Allan Kaplan.

Using various movie clips Mark will show us how to be a savvy spotter of Integral trends in popular media and deepen our understanding of the ways current media and technologies are helping to transition us into an Integral Age.

Mark will unpack how films as diverse as Groundhog Day and Inception, and TV shows like Lost and Sense8, map the evolution of consciousness. You will...

  • Learn how Integral and all the other altitudes of consciousness are embedded in our media
  • How these media altitudes mirror, help or hinder the evolution of our individual and collective consciousness
  • Discover which movies viscerally represent the different Integral lenses
  • Get a copy of Mark's Top 10 Integral Movies List

Going to the movies usually isn't a solo affair so we set a special price for couples. So bring a friend or a date for a fun and stimulating evening of pop culture.

And, yes, we really will provide popcorn...

Click here to find out more and sign up for 
with Mark Allan Kaplan
Wednesday, March 16, 7:00 to 9:30pm
in Berkeley, California

Latest Updates to the Integral Movie and TV List now on IMDb

The Integral Movie and TV List has been updated and is available on Internet Movie Database (IMDb) at:

On the list you will find all the movies and television series that have tested positive for having integrally-informed elements to varying degrees according to testing criteria developed during research on the application of Integral Theory to cinematic media theory and practice.

According to this research, a cinematic work is deemed to be integral if elements of the integral stage of development are represented in the cinematic form, style, structure, content, and/or are embedded in the material as a presence or atmosphere. These representations of the elements of the integral stage of development can include: The exploration and integration of multiple evolving dimensions and perspectives of lesser and greater depth and span; the concretion of abstract and interior dimensions and perspectives, such as time and interiority, in the service of evolutionary growth and development; an evolutionary story, event, and/or character progression that is given greater than or equal emphasis to conflict resolution, with progression developing vertically through at least three stages or levels of development; the evolutionary impulse as a driving force or causality pattern; the valuing of truth that is qualified by evolving perspectival fields; and/or a Kosmo-centric circle of care and concern that suggests an awareness, integration, and embracing of all of existence.

Recent updates to the list include the following titles:

Movies New to the List:

Citizen Kane (1941) - This cinematic masterpiece has hints of the emergence of integral cinematic style and structure into a more main stream form as it traces the evolution of an individual life and explores how our primal wound can both propel us up the ladder of human development while also undermining and regressing us at the same time. While the film's main character falls far short of the higher stages of development, the filmmaker, Orson Welles, potentially elevates us the audience into a higher level of perception as we are cinematically raised up into the integral dimensions of a deeply integrating and witnessing consciousness.

It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012) - Beautiful animated trilogy of shorts that explores the journey of an individual life that dances across the thin line between life and death, time and timelessness, and form and the formless. The film is both raw and elegant and wondrously captures the main character's evolutionary dance from egocentric (self-absorbed) to Kosmocentric (unitive) levels of existence.

The Giver (2014) - A heart-felt integrally-informed psycho-social science fiction film that dramatically explores a post-catastrophe society that has tried to engineer a better world by suppressing the human shadow and de-evolutionary forces from the developmental arc. This suppression ends up also  burying many positive and higher emotions and the heart of the evolutionary impulse itself, and an old man who holds the memories of what the world lost gives a young man those memories in hopes of helping him evolve into the catalyst for the re-awakening of the heart and soul of the world.

Share (2014) - "Share" is a subtle and elegant integrally-informed dramatic short film exploring the impact of transcending the boundaries between subjective and intersubjective domains across multiple dimensions of being and becoming. The film's creator is a long time student of Integral Theory and one of the early integral practitioner's who have been attempting to apply Ken Wilber's Integral theories to media.

The Cobbler (2015) A deeply flawed but cute mystical comedy with an integrally-informed undercurrent of the main characters evolution from egocentric to Kosmocentric circles of care and concern.

TV Series New to the List:

Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-2008) Wonderful and deep yet light-hearted integrally-informed animated TV series that explores the evolving and spiraling dance between the separation and the union of the multiple dimensions of our being and becoming.

The Legend of Korra (2012-2014) - Another integrally-informed animated TV series from the creators of Avatar: The Last Airbender, set in the Avatar universe many years later with a new, this time female, Avatar, expanding and deepening their exploration of the evolving and spiraling dance between the separation and the union of the multiple dimensions of our being and becoming.


More movies and TV series are added to the list as more are tested so check back periodically to keep abreast of the research.

For more on the application of Integral Theory to the cinematic arts visit the Integral Cinema Project at: